Dec 23, 2024 - This moment in time will become historically relevant as the events that unfold over the next 12-18 months will change the vector of humanity! There is so much confluence of cycles, whether it be political, financial, biblical, astrological... you name it. Much of what is emerging can be very positive, but the rate of change of all aspects of life seems unprecedented and there is no way it will go smoothly. The world and all its moving parts is an open system that needs to dissipate massive amounts of entroy so it can re-order & stablize into a more ordered place. The chaos is coming from all directions. The technology advancements with blockchain, AI, genetics, & robotics are all maturing and starting to impact society. The rate of change will be exponential and potentially quite subversive. The political chaos is frightening & will come to a head in Nov 2024 with the elections in the USA. The 2020 election was fraudulent and Obama/Biden pulled off a coup in the USA, aided by the CIA, FBI, & DOJ as well as some foreign powers. The current Biden regime is acting overtly lawlessly & unconstitutionally fighting against the one man, Donald J Trump, who can stand against them and defeat them. The stakes are everything. We will fight back the global commy forces that have infiltrated every western govt, or the WEF, led by Dr Evil Klaus Schwab and insane billionaires like Bill Gates will put the final nail in the coffin of freedom & liberty an enslave the world with their eugencist ideas & the technology that is emerging. These tyrants want to cull the human herd down to 500 million & enslave as with electric everything & CBDC's. They make 1984 seem like a beach party compared to the level of control they want to and will be able to enforce. But there is the other side of that dark picture and I am very optmisitic. We have Trump fighting the fight & if he can overcome the fraud & corruption & they don't JFK him, he knows who the enemies of the people are now & he knows how to defeat them. We also have blockchain & crypto currencies that give us a way to opt out of the dying fiat ponzi. BTC separates currency from State & adopting a bitcoin standard globally is the only way to save humanity, as without fiat currency that States control, the people gain back power & the govt won't attract the worst of humanity nor with the govt be able to afford perpetual wars. 2024 & 2025 will be epic in terms of opportunity for those of us aware and front running the adoption of crypto. I'm stacking sats & have been preparing for this time to trade crypto assets. I have a plan & am very confident it in. However, BTC, the king, will possibly be co-opted by the wall st devils that are now embracing it. The ETFs are likely going to launch next month. The first BTC ads are running on television. Those of us here will have our bags pumped, but the lack of privacy of BTC and others is a big concern. I'm involved in the Dero community. Dero is an L1 blockchain that is always encrypted. Thus an NSA proof smart contract platform that I predict will emerge as a global black market economy. I've moved to a remote rural mountain area to avoid the social chaos that is inevitable. I'm homesteading and playing the crypto markets. The chaos is only beginning. The middle east war sparked by Iran proxy Hamas, that gleefully butchered 1200+ Israeli civilians, women & children, and sadly funded by the Biden administration, has exposed the global extent of the irrational hatred of Jews & the threat of a new global war has never been closer. Russia is at war with Ukraine, which was instigated by the Biden regime to cover up the massive corruption of the Unitpary, i.e. Democrats & some Republicans, & to keep the the currency laundering operation in full effect to fund Democrat political campigns & to fund their corruption & persecution of their political opponents. We are at the brink & living in some fascinating & amazing times. The western perception of reality which percieves the world as an artifact created by God might say, God be with us.

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