Unlocking the Sound of Bitcoin: A Deep Dive into Ordinals Music Theory

Did you know that Bitcoin isn't just for finance? With the Ordinal Music Theory, we use 'satoshis', the smallest units of Bitcoin, to store and share audio. Let's explore how this works.

Ordinal music theory does not require a sidechain or token aside from Bitcoin, and can be used without any changes to the Bitcoin network. It works right now.

Bitcoin is a digital currency, and satoshis are its smallest units. One bitcoin can be broken down into 100,000,000 satoshis. Think of satoshis as pennies to a dollar.

BTP, or Bitcoin Transfer Protocol, is the magic behind it.

It allows us to add audio to Bitcoin and fosters a new open and accessible digital audio ecosystem. This new way of looking at ordinals brings a view into sound and music with BTP (Bitcoin Transfer Protocol). The foundation for an open and accessible digital audio ecosystem, fostering innovation, collaboration, and the free flow of audio information on Bitcoin.

One sound = one sat or one song = one sat or one album = one sat or one library ..... You choose!

So how do we make Bitcoin musical? The Sound of Satoshis.

By adding audio inscriptions to satoshis, each one can carry a unique piece of sound. It could be a note, a sample, a song, or an entire album. What's more, because each satoshi is unique and can be tracked, we can create an entirely new, secure and transparent way of sharing audio.




I have found these to be the most useful ones for inscribing Ordinals.

Ordinals Music

  • Oplayer: A media player that can load a digital wallet and reproduce audio satoshis. Think of it as your personal jukebox that plays 'music coins'. Some versions can load a wallet (e.g., walletconnect) and reproduce audio satoshis or are on a Oplayer extension on a Wallet (e.g., Unisat, ordinals, sparrow, etc.).
  • Osounds: Osounds are satoshis transformed into audio files. Many files can be a part of an Osound but always keep in mind that the final form of the file is the one that can reproduce the final product. This Final sat can be reminted on other sats and be sold or transferred. An ordinals audio file (e.g., .mp3, .wav, .ogg, .html or any other way of inscribing data on a sat) has timestamp and hashtags that live on blockchain proving proof of authentication.
  • Omusic: An app that's a library and media player for music. Users can index and browse their audio collection. Albums on the index help create a personalized experience.
  • Ooriginales: The Omusic minted/inscribed on the ORIGINAL project owner's official wallet. This is the right of the Real author, creator, administrator, or authorized wallet holder, say it be the creator of the 1st song and its copies. Masters were the 1st produced and are considered Ooriginals. The 1st to have an appearance on the Blockchain, Individual Osounds will be the same as masters but are a copy of the original code. ****Any ordinal inscribed by non-official wallets will be considered fake****
  • Owalk: A mobile Blockchain wallet designed to securely transport your audio satoshis, enabling playback at any location. This device functions akin to a hard wallet, but with an added feature that allows for headphone connection, thus transforming your monetary assets into an auditory experience.
  • www.youtube.com/@drjoints