``` View the inscription in the regtest explorer: ``` ord -r server ``` Testing Recursion ----------------- When testing out [recursion](../inscriptions/recursion.md), inscribe the dependencies first (example with [p5.js](https://p5js.org)): ``` ord -r wallet inscribe --fee-rate 1 --file p5.js ``` This should return a `inscription_id` which you can then reference in your recursive inscription. ATTENTION: These ids will be different when inscribing on mainnet or signet, so be sure to change those in your recursive inscription for each chain. Then you can inscribe your recursive inscription with: ``` ord -r wallet inscribe --fee-rate 1 --file recursive-inscription.html ``` Finally you will have to mine some blocks and start the server: ``` bitcoin-cli generatetoaddress 6 ord -r server ```