5. Mash the keyboard randomly until the tests pass, and refactor until the code is ready to submit. 6. Mark the PR as ready to review. 7. Revise the PR as needed. 8. And finally, mergies! Start small ----------- Small changes will allow you to make an impact quickly, and if you take the wrong tack, you won't have wasted much time. Ideas for small issues: - Add a new test or test case that increases test coverage - Add or improve documentation - Find an issue that needs more research, and do that research and summarize it in a comment - Find an out-of-date issue and comment that it can be closed - Find an issue that shouldn't be done, and provide constructive feedback detailing why you think that is the case Merge early and often --------------------- Break up large tasks into multiple smaller steps that individually make progress. If there's a bug, you can open a PR that adds a failing ignored test. This can be merged, and the next step can be to fix the bug and unignore the test. Do research or testing, and report on your results. Break a feature into