if let Some(entry) = self.id_to_entry.get(&key.store())? { let entry = RuneEntry::load(entry.value()); if let Some(limit) = entry.limit { if let Some(end) = entry.end { if self.height >= end { continue; } } mintable.insert(id, limit); } } } } let limits = mintable.clone(); for Edict { id, amount, output } in runestone.edicts { let Ok(output) = usize::try_from(output) else { continue; }; // Skip edicts not referring to valid outputs if output > tx.output.len() { continue; } let (balance, id) = if id == 0 { // If this edict allocates new issuance runes, skip it // if no issuance was present, or if the issuance was invalid. // Additionally, replace ID 0 with the newly assigned ID, and // get the unallocated balance of the issuance.