{"p":"can-20","op":"mint","tick":"can","amt":"1000","rows":[{"df":"qa","content":[{"q":"Does blockchain technology have issues with scalability?","a":"Blockchain technology indeed has issues with scalability. As blockchain applications continue to develop and become more popular, transaction volume and speed have become key bottlenecks for the technology. To solve this problem, various technical teams have proposed different solutions, such as sidechains, sharding, DAGs, etc. However, these technical solutions differ in implementation details and naming, leading to some confusion about the scalability of blockchain technology. In summary, blockchain technology does have scalability issues and needs continuous exploration and innovation to address these challenges."}]}],"pr":"a18c8ea06f5cf9168459e89e354dcf7aebfc7a3f9af54fd8d6fd948c68955727"}