{"p":"can-20","op":"mint","tick":"can","amt":"1000","rows":[{"df":"qa","content":[{"q":"What command should be used to deploy smart contracts in Hardhat?","a":"When deploying smart contracts in Hardhat, you can use the following command:\\n\\n```\\nyarn hardhat deploy --network \u003ctestnet name\u003e\\n```\\n\\nHere, `\u003ctestnet name\u003e` is the name of the network you want to deploy the contract to, such as mainnet, goerli, ropsten, etc. Before deployment, please ensure that you have correctly configured the corresponding network parameters. If you are using the Ethereum mainnet, use `--network mainnet`."}]}],"pr":"2b93f46455eb2c196df3bc1ad1ff8c2bdbd4cd4972657ec999075a8adf50d78a"}