{"p":"can-20","op":"mint","tick":"can","amt":"1000","rows":[{"df":"qa","content":[{"q":"The block header of a blockchain contains several important pieces of information.","a":"Parent Block Hash Value: The hash address of the previous block, which is used to ensure that blocks are connected in sequence. \n2. Timestamp: Records the generation time of the block. \n3. Random Number (Difficulty Target): The answer to an arithmetic problem that miners compete against each other across the entire network, used to maintain the security of the blockchain. \n4. Difficulty Target: The difficulty rating of the arithmetic problem. \n5. Transaction Details: Detailed information about each transaction, including the sender, receiver, amount, and the sender's digital signature. \n6. Transaction Count: \n\nPlease note that the last part of the translation is incomplete. Kindly provide the missing part for a complete translation."}]}],"pr":"d964437e6d654df3aef9a27151aa1c9b7b458b169b9fbcccf76fdad34ca9fd00"}