use {super::*, sha3::Digest, sha3::Keccak256}; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct Ethereum(String); impl From for Ethereum { fn from(inscription_id: InscriptionId) -> Self { let mut array = [0; 36]; let (txid, index) = array.split_at_mut(32); txid.copy_from_slice(inscription_id.txid.as_ref()); index.copy_from_slice(&inscription_id.index.to_be_bytes()); let digest = bitcoin::hashes::sha256::Hash::hash(&array); Self(create_address_with_checksum(&hex::encode(&digest[0..20]))) } } impl Display for Ethereum { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", self.0) } } /// Given the hex digits of an Ethereum address, return that address with a /// checksum as per fn create_address_with_checksum(address: &str) -> String { assert_eq!(address.len(), 40); assert!(address .chars() .all(|c| c.is_ascii_hexdigit() && (!c.is_alphabetic() || c.is_lowercase()))); let hash = hex::encode(&Keccak256::digest(address.as_bytes())[..20]);