{"p":"can-20","op":"mint","tick":"can","amt":"1000","rows":[{"df":"qa","content":[{"q":"How are accounts storing data in a blockchain?","a":"The account data storage in blockchain mainly consists of two parts: block data and state data. Block data records every transaction occurring on the blockchain, such as transfers, recharges, etc. These data are encrypted and anonymized by cryptographic principles to ensure the security and verifiability of the data. State data records the current status of each account and smart contract, such as balance, positions, etc.\n\nBlockchain nodes (such as computers, virtual machines, etc.) are responsible for storing and using this data. Nodes operate data through specific databases (such as LevelDB, RocksDB, MySQL, etc.), which are independent and decentralized."}]}],"pr":"3d3dcb47d80fc9b6eff3655bbd134934a0a66e8a1f2686cd1784a52c798621d2"}