You should add a label for the recipient address, a label like `alice address for inscription #123` would be ideal. Once you have checked the transaction is a safe transaction using the checks above, and you are confident to send it you can click `Create Transaction`. ![](images/sending_03.png) Here again you can double check that your transaction looks safe, and once you are confident you can click `Finalize Transaction for Signing`. ![](images/sending_04.png) Here you can triple check everything before hitting `Sign`. ![](images/sending_05.png) And then actually you get very very last chance to check everything before hitting `Broadcast Transaction`. Once you broadcast the transaction it is sent to the bitcoin network, and starts being propagated into the mempool. ![](images/sending_06.png) If you want to track the status of your transaction you can copy the `Transaction Id (Txid)` and paste that into []( Once the transaction has confirmed you can check the inscription page on []( to validate that it has moved to the new output location and address.