search for rare ordinals in a non-Bitcoin Core wallet, you'll need to import your wallet's descriptors into Bitcoin Core. [Descriptors]( describe the ways that wallets generate private keys and public keys. You should only import descriptors into Bitcoin Core for your wallet's public keys, not its private keys. If your wallet's public key descriptor is compromised, an attacker will be able to see your wallet's addresses, but your funds will be safe. If your wallet's private key descriptor is compromised, an attacker can drain your wallet of funds. 1. Get the wallet descriptor from the wallet whose UTXOs you want to search for rare ordinals. It will look something like this: ``` wpkh([bf1dd55e/84'/0'/0']xpub6CcJtWcvFQaMo39ANFi1MyXkEXM8T8ZhnxMtSjQAdPmVSTHYnc8Hwoc11VpuP8cb8JUTboZB5A7YYGDonYySij4XTawL6iNZvmZwdnSEEep/0/*)#csvefu29 ``` 2. Create a watch-only wallet named `foo-watch-only`: ```sh bitcoin-cli createwallet foo-watch-only true true