- Add --version flag (#236) - Bump version: 0.0.2 → 0.0.3 (#234) - Change deploy target in recipe (#232) - Use default port and set ambient capabilities in ord service (#230) - Test deploy on vagrant (#229) - Update slide deck (#227) - Add link to video (#226) - Separate deck pages (#225) - Fix docs HTML (#224) - Add side deck (#223) - Change slot notation to AxBxCxD (#222) - Improve NFT encoding (#221) - Remove use of sha256d in signature algorithm (#219) - Use standard formats (#218) - Use CBOR for serialization/deserialization (#217) - Add nix flake (#214) - Build binaries for releases (#213) [0.0.1](https://github.com/ordinals/ord/releases/tag/0.0.1) - 2022-06-05 --------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add commands to mint and verify NFTs (#211) - Add legendary sat location hints (#208) - Re-implement find (#206) - Add explanation to bounty page (#205) - Change bounty dir to bounties (#204) - Add ordinal bounty page (#203) - Add drawbacks section to BIP (#202) - Remove log spam (#200)